If you have due to disease or accident lost all your upper or lower teeth, or even every tooth, there are still ways that you can enjoy a full and normal life by having replacements.
You may worry about denture implant cost, but for affordable and professional care you should visit our expert dentists here at Coastal Dental Implants. We can provide you with a full mouth replacement for your teeth in a timely and expert fashion.
They will not be as expensive as the denture implant cost, but likewise they will not give you as much freedom and will take more care to look after than implants.
Dentures are teeth that are applied to a plate that you can easily take in and out of your mouth, to clean for example. They give you the aesthetic look of having a full set of teeth and can bring back confidence that you may have lost without any teeth.
When it comes to food however, you have to take care with what and how you eat. Without using an adhesive, the teeth can move in the mouth and limit what you eat. Food can also get under the teeth and cause you discomfort until they are taken out and cleaned.
Full Arch Treatment
We can use implants to give you back a full set of teeth that you can fully use for any foods and smile with confidence. Just like singular implants we will securely fix them to the jaw using Titanium screws as a bed so that you can have teeth you trust, although when we do a full set of either upper or lower teeth you will not need a screw for each tooth.
Depending on the need and the size of your jaw the whole process can be achieved with between 4 and 8 screws for the top and the same for the bottom.
We take time to plan and design the perfect layout for your mouth so that you will get the most stable teeth possible for the longest term. The size and shape of your new teeth implants will be discussed with you so that you get teeth that are suitable for your mouth and are not over or undersized so that they do not feel right and look incorrect.
Life With A Smile
By finding out the full process and the dental implant cost, you will be able to make an informed decision about what is right for you, your budget and your mouth. Our team here at Coastal Dental Implants will be with you every step of the way with answers to all your questions and to tell you what will happen during the process.
To find out about dental implants, contact us online here or by calling 07 5443 3045.
Read more information on dental implants on this previous blog: